Kiwigrid launches new top-hat rail gateway "Energy Manager RailX" to accelerate the energy transition

Compact design for even faster installation in the control cabinet: Kiwigrid, the IoT company for energy management and energy optimization, is driving the energy transition forward with the launch of its completely renewed Energy IoT gateway Energy Manager RailX. In addition to enhanced performance, the Energy Manager RailX features a new design with reduced dimensions for quick and easy installation on the top-hat rail. This will make the work of installers easier and create space for urgently needed installation capacities.

In order to realize the energy transition, PV systems, energy storage, EV chargers and heat pumps must not only be installed in large numbers, but must also be connected and intelligently managed. The top-hat rail gateway Energy Manager RailX from Kiwigrid ensures reliable connectivity and control of these devices. The Energy Manager RailX collects the device data and transmits it to the Kiwigrid platform where it is processed for monitoring, analysis and remote maintenance purposes and used, for example, to create generation and consumption forecasts. The Energy IoT Gateway can be used to intelligently control energy flows. Users can increase their own consumption of self-generated solar power, reduce their carbon footprint and save on electricity costs.

In view of the current shortage of skilled workers and rapidly increasing demand, the fast and uncomplicated installation of gateways is important. Kiwigrid has developed the latest generation of its DIN rail gateway specifically to meet these requirements. Thanks to its compact design, the Energy Manager RailX fits comfortably in any control cabinet. Since installers often have to cope with a lack of space in the control cabinet, the dimensions of the Energy Manager RailX have been significantly reduced compared to the previous model. Connections for digital I/O, for instance for direct connection to SG-Ready heat pumps, are now integrated directly in the housing. The installation of an additional box (digital extension) is therefore no longer necessary.

The Energy Manager RailX is equipped with a powerful quad-core processor, which enables parallel execution of energy management applications. The new gateway generation runs the latest software from Kiwigrid's energy IoT platform KiwiOS X. This enables easy, manufacturer-independent connectivity of all relevant device classes (PV inverters, hybrid inverters with DC-coupled battery storage, AC-coupled energy storage systems, heat pumps, heating rods, energy meters, smart metering systems and smart plugs). Starting with connecting simple device setups (e.g. EV chargers only or PV system with EV chargers) all the way to complex combinations (e.g. PV system with energy storage, EV chargers, energy meters and heat pumps), all levels of complexity are supported. The gateway is equipped for all current and future energy IoT use cases and can be used in a variety of ways by installers.

The intuitive user interface in Smart Setup also makes configuring and connecting the end devices quick and easy. Devices are automatically detected and installers are directed through the entire installation process with user-friendly guidance. Devices can be connected to the RailX via Ethernet, RS485, SG-Ready and S0. Configuration of the RailX is possible via WiFi and soon also via Bluetooth, making installation even faster and easier. In addition, the Energy Manager RailX allows time-saving configuration remotely.

Kiwigrid's CEO Dr. Frank Schlichting emphasizes: "With the Energy Manager RailX, we are expanding the reach of our energy IoT platform and accelerating the energy transition across sectors. When developing our gateways, we place great emphasis on performance and uncomplicated installation. Thanks to the new processor, our RailX is more powerful and more compact than its predecessor. The configuration is so simple that installers waste no time with the installation. In addition, the hardware components were designed to reduce dependencies on global supply chains and shorten delivery times."

The Energy Manager RailX is based on eleven years of expertise and experience regarding the development, as well as the stable operation of a manufacturer-independent energy IoT platform for international customers such as E.ON, Solarwatt, Zolar and BayWa r.e. Kiwigrid distributes the gateways as white label products through this partner network. Currently, Kiwigrid's energy IoT gateways already link more than 75,000 inverters, energy storage systems, EV chargers, heat pumps, meters and industrial sensors, controlling more than 250,000 IoT items. The Energy Manager RailX completes Kiwigrid's hardware portfolio. While the Energy Manager VoyagerX can be placed anywhere as a plug-and-play solution and can therefore also be easily installed at a later stage, the new Energy Manager RailX DIN rail gateway is suitable for complex device setups and installations on the DIN rail or in pre-assembled terminal boxes.


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