We provide the platform.
You scale your energy business.
At record speed.


The future of energy is decentralized, digital, and green. With KiwiOS X, we have developed a software platform that enables your company to connect, monitor and optimize the multitude of assets, systems and partners that a decentralized energy system relies on. Based on a transparent and flexible platform-as-a-service model, your company can connect your own energy applications to KiwiOS X via standardized APIs and in this way enrich them with more data and functions.

Who is KiwiOS X designed for?

Maximum flexibility, minimum complexity


Kiwigrid is opening up its energy IoT platform to companies that already have existing applications or want to develop new ones. These companies can develop their own custom applications according to their own ideas. And they can do so without having to take responsibility for the complex infrastructure setup and maintenance normally associated with developing and launching an energy IoT application. Our customers thus retain control over their unique features and user interfaces that represent their brand and differentiate them from the competition.

Specific APIs for each device class independent of manufacturers and protocols

Ready-to-use building blocks for maximum development speed

Proven scalability and availability of 220.000 connected energy assets

How does our platform-as-a-service model work?

Kiwigrid supplies its customers with the kit and various building blocks. Customers can then assemble these building blocks according to their own ideas and use them to build their own individual applications. With the help of the building blocks, customers can easily develop and run their own apps within a few days or weeks, depending on the complexity. No matter what our customers build based on our APIs, everything is always underpinned by our KiwiOS X platform and is accordingly robust and secure. KiwiOS X API calls are billed in a very transparent pay-per-use pricing model.

What we deliver

KiwiOS.cloud products


  • Manage the connected inverters and storage systems of your customers
  • Get current and historical data from connected inverters and storage systems
  • Set the power output of connected inverters
  • Limit the state of charge of connected storage systems


  • Manage the connected heat pumps and heating rods of your customers
  • Get current and historical data from connected heat pumps and heating rods
  • Set up and analyse heating systems


  • Manage the connected EV chargers of your customers
  • Get current and historical data from connected EV chargers (OCPP capable)
  • Manage charging sessions
  • Soon available: Enable load management


  • Set the charging/operation mode of a connected EV charger, heat pump, heating rod or smart plug to PV optimized
  • Set the charging mode of a connected EV charger to departure time or range based optimization
  • Set the charging/operation mode of a connected EV charger, heat pump, heating rod or smart plug to a schedule based operation
  • Prioritize devices in the optimization
  • Monitor the optimization settings


  • Get current and historical data of the total electricity consumption in the location
  • Get current and historical data of additional calculated KPIs such as the degree of self-consumption and self-sufficiency
  • Get data of the forecasted electricity consumption in the location


  • Get current and historical data from connected electric meters

Energy IoT done right

KiwiOS X at a glance

Specific APIs for each device class independent of device manufacturers and protocols

With our KiwiOS APIs, we adhere to standard technologies, which ensures better interoperability and easier integration of new devices, significantly reducing development and maintenance costs. KiwiOS X APIs provide turnkey connectivity to PV systems, electricity storages, wallboxes and heat pumps from a wide portfolio of market-leading manufacturers. Thereby, KiwiOS X acts as a neutral platform that does not compete with device manufacturers. This not only makes technical device integrations obsolete, it also eliminates the time-consuming process of establishing and maintaining numerous device partnerships with manufacturers.

Turnkey functional modules from device integration to energy optimization for maximum development speed

While most competitors offer "one API for everything", Kiwigrid provides specific APIs optimized for PV/hybrid inverters, electricity storage, charging infrastructures, heat pumps and meters. APIs for smart tariffs and flexibilities will follow in future development stages. The advantage: companies only pay for those API calls whose device domain is actually connected in the field. This device-specific pay-per-use principle can only be implemented with a mixed API across all device classes at great expense. The "KiwiOS X" APIs not only provide the raw data points of a PV inverter or an EV charger, but also offer endpoints for higher-value functions such as KPIs or load curves. In a future stage of development, even turnkey energy management algorithms will be usable via an optimization API.

Proven scalability and availability of 220,000 connected energy devices

The new platform generation KiwiOS X is not the result of a venture capital driven startup, but a mature system with over a decade of experience in developing and operating a wide variety of energy IoT applications. This includes valuable learning curves in dealing with typical error patterns and manufacturer-specific problems in integrating and controlling energy devices. Today, KiwiOS X processes over 7 billion data points daily from over 220,000 connected energy devices across Europe. Customers can rely on a platform availability of at least 99.5%.

Highest level of security thanks to certifications and ten years of expertise

KiwiOS X meets the highest security requirements: Firstly, the system is fully integrated with the Google Cloud, whose services meet the C5 standard issued by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). Secondly, Kiwigrid has years of experience, in-house expertise and processes for developing the smart meter gateway in accordance with one of the world's most stringent certification processes in line with the international Common Criteria EAL 4+ security standard. Among other things, Kiwigrid has implemented an ISO 27001 information security system in the organization for this purpose. Thanks to this wealth of expertise, KiwiOS X reduces operational risk and avoids expensive cost traps.

Standardized and forward-looking technologies thanks to Google Cloud

The full integration of KiwiOS X with the Google Cloud offers Kiwigrid customers significant benefits for the speed of development and scalability of their applications. The Google Cloud offers one of the most scalable and open infrastructures for cloud computing, data analytics and machine learning among all public clouds. The high level of standardization of the Google Cloud, combined with its mass distribution worldwide, also opens up the possibility for KiwiOS X to easily connect with platform services from other public cloud providers and on-premise environments. For example, KiwiOS X enables cloning of infrastructure and services to allow customers to expand into data centers around the world.

Our gateway for holistic energy management

Introducing the Energy Manager VoyagerX

Unparalleled ease of installation and unlimited connectivity in one devices. Our gateway Energy Manager VoyagerX connects PV and energy storage systems, as well as EV chargers and heat pumps into a manufacturer-independent sector-coupled system, acting as an interface between the energy devices and the energy IoT platform KiwiOS.

Find out more

*We support devices from the leading manufacturers/industry standards:
ABB, ABL, BMZ, BYD, Digital-In Ripple Control Receivers, EasyMeter, Eatom, E3/DC, E.G.O., EMH metering, Fronius, German Metering, Huawei, ISKRA, ITRON, Janitza, Kamstrup, KEBA, Kostal, LG Chem, LG Electronics, MENNEKES, myStrom, SAIA Burgess Control, Schneider Electric, S0 meters, SG-ready, SMA, SOLARWATT, Steca, SunSpec, Varta, Victron, Webasto, ZPA

Please note: Kiwigrid only guarantees connectivity at the device setup (combination of multiple devices from different device classes) and specific device model level. Therefore, this generic list can only serve as non-binding information. We will be happy to provide you with binding information on device compatibility upon request.

Creating unique value

Ready to be rolled-out internationally with a 24/7 availability

  • Allowing clone of infrastructure and services to let customers move to data centers around the world
  • Guaranteeing 99.5% platform availability
  • Operating an installed base of more than 200,000 devices across Europe and thus mastering the technical-regulatory adaptability for different market settings

Scales fast with your business with low upfront costs

  • Using already proven services and delivering high degree of turnkey functionality
  • Ensuring easy integration into adjacent systems through standardized, open API software architecture
  • Allowing B2B customers to quickly build own applications

Creates trust thanks to highest security level and use of standard technologies

  • Ensuring compliance with the German C5 rules and high degree of interoperability using strong technology standards
  • Leveraging our strong partnership with Google Cloud Platform, but at the same time allowing us to connect to other platform services, even on-premise environments.
  • Providing future security thanks to Google and Kiwigrid having begun exploring new technologies such as advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and no-code programming

Enables more hardware sales through OEM-agnostic connectivity

  • Offering off-the-shelf connectivity to a broad portfolio of devices from market-leading OEMs
  • Lowering installation costs through cutting-edge gateway technology (new generation to be announced soon)
  • Acting as a neutral platform that does not compete with OEMs
  • Building on over a decade of experience in developing energy IoT solutions and edge and cloud-based integration of devices

Generates added value for your end customers and revenue opportunities for your business

  • Saving end customers thousands of Euros through cross-sector optimization of PV, e-mobility and heat assets
  • Enabling your company to benefit from recurring end-customer payment streams by combining local optimization (e.g., self-consumption) with energy market optimization through smart tariff integration

Mitigates financial and operational risks and thus ensures low cost-to-serve

  • Distributing the platform development and operations costs among many major customers and investors, thus reducing the financial risk for each individual
  • Mitigating operational risk and avoiding cost traps thanks to years of experience with typical error patterns and OEM-specific obstacles

Trusted across sectors

IoT is complex. Energy systems are even more so. The combination of both is the supreme discipline of the energy transition. You can rely on our built up know-how for the efficient integration, visualization and optimization of devices across sectors and manufacturers. Our products have proven themselves tens of thousands of times in productive operation in the field. Numerous companies use our platform and standardized products with a total of over 220 thousand connected devices (and counting). They have also implemented over 100 projects with us for a wide range of innovative applications such as bidirectional EV charging, energy communities and demand response.

Latest platform stories

Connectivity partnership with Fox ESS: New synergies in the energy market

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Kiwigrid opens new laboratory for the energy world of tomorrow in Lusatia, Saxony

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Connectivity partnership with Vaillant: How Kiwigrid integrates heat pumps into energy management systems

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