Mobile optimized energy management

Our home energy management system (HEMS) The Independent Home (TIH) enables tracking and optimization of energy flows in the household. Regular user surveys ensure that the system is as intuitive to use as possible. There is also a direct feedback option for end customers within TIH. The results of these surveys and the feedback help us to align the further development of TIH with the needs of our customers

The last survey showed that almost 40 percent of end customer users access TIH via a mobile device. To ensure that our end customer app is in no way inferior to the desktop version, we recently carried out updates based on the survey results:

Improved intuitive usability and increased readability

Simple and intuitive usability is the top priority for mobile applications. Features must be immediately understandable and easy to control. With this in mind, the KiwiHome app allows you to switch quickly and intuitively between different views. For example, you can switch between the daily, weekly and monthly view of the energy flows with just one click or tap.

The extensive energy data from the various appliances is presented in the app in a comprehensible way. We have introduced new chart types with stacked columns that can also be viewed at a glance on smartphones. Increased color contrasts increase readability of the data.

In addition to the diagrams for generation and consumption, diagrams for revenue and costs have also been made even clearer. Revenues and costs can be displayed together with savings in a stacked diagram. The result of income and costs links the individual data points in the form of a curve. 

Advanced features for energy experts

In the analysis area of the TIH end customer portal, there is now also an expert mode for particularly interested end customers. In expert mode, all available time series can be combined with each other as desired. For example, costs and income can be displayed together along with time series for PV production and the consumption of individual appliances for a selected period in a joint diagram.

The HEMS is made available to end customers via our customers such as Solarwatt, Baywa r.e., EnviaM and Vaillant. They can access their energy flow data either via the TIH end customer portal in the desktop version or use the TIH end customer app KiwiHome. 


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