Kiwigrid integrates dynamic electricity tariffs and reduced grid charges into its energy management products

Dresden, 22.07.2024: Kiwigrid can now integrate dynamic electricity tariffs and reduced grid charges in accordance with §14a of the German Energy Industry Act into its Software-as-a-Service and hardware products. The latest version of "The Independent Home" product family is now available to all Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) customers. This makes Europe's leading IoT expert for energy management and energy optimization an enabler of holistic dynamic energy management in the interaction between buildings, the electricity grid and the electricity market.

The integration of the new product features follows a stage-by-stage approach and happens in close cooperation with Kiwigrid's development partners. Important initial partners include the international supplier of inverters and energy storage systems Fox ESS, the heat pump manufacturer Vaillant and the wallbox manufacturers eSystems and Ampure. Communication between Kiwigrid, the energy devices and the energy supplier takes place technologically as standard via the EEBUS interface, in the respective development versions used by the manufacturers. The product features work independently of customers and devices and can also be used offline.

Cooperation with electricity providers

A dynamic electricity tariff passes fluctuations in the electricity price over time onto electricity customers. Such tariffs offer the greatest added value for end customers and electricity providers when they are integrated into the energy management system. Energy devices in the home can thus be used automatically at times when there is an oversupply of renewable electricity and the electricity price is therefore particularly low. This way, end customers save money.

The latest version of Kiwigrid's optimization algorithm "The Independent Home" enables the product family to integrate dynamic tariffs from cooperating electricity providers. Kiwigrid can now also implement the integration of grid-serving control signals in accordance with §14a of the German Energy Industry Act.

The 5 levels of autonomous optimization 

The integration of dynamic electricity tariffs and reduced grid charges is the basis for advancing optimization in energy management. Kiwigrid, with the 5 levels of autonomous optimization, developed a model that systematizes the ever-increasing networking of energy devices and the electricity market. Kiwigrid will gradually implement these levels together with various partners. 

Kiwigrid can initially integrate EPEX day-ahead exchange electricity prices (Level 1) and, in a further step, live tariff data from electricity suppliers (Level 2). In the future, energy suppliers will also be able to receive live data on electricity production and consumption from end customers and adjust their electricity procurement accordingly (Level 3).

Through further development of the optimization algorithm into a self-learning artificial intelligence, energy suppliers should ultimately be able to actively intervene in end customers' energy flows in order to manage electricity consumption even more stringently and cost-effectively (Level 4). At the final optimization level, energy management can also optimize electricity flows with a view to the local environment and neighboring electricity production (Level 5). The degree of autonomy increases steadily as the levels increase. The features of previous levels are always included in the higher levels.

Ongoing tests for further development of energy management

Kiwigrid tests its further developments along the 5 levels of autonomous optimization in close cooperation with its development partners. Various partners provide their hardware so that Kiwigrid can permanently test the product features in real setups. 

Kiwigrid is significantly expanding its test capacities for this purpose. The company operates various setups consisting of inverters, electricity storage systems, wallboxes, heat pumps and smart meters in its test laboratories. Kiwigrid can also connect dynamic tariffs from electricity providers and backend systems from various distribution grid and transmission grid providers. Kiwigrid thus enables its partners to offer their end customers directly tested and certified setups. 

Ever deeper integration of dynamic electricity tariffs

"Dynamic tariffs, the implementation of Section 14a and system security are the most important developments in Germany’s energy space. Kiwigrid is, with its integration into energy management, taking the next step towards implementing the energy transition - taking into account all current and future safety requirements. I look forward to working with our development partners to achieve progressive autonomous optimization of energy management," says Dr.-Ing. Carsten Bether, Chief Product Officer (CPO) of Kiwigrid.

Kiwigrid will announce the first collaborations with tariff partners, electricity suppliers, the distribution grid and transmission grid operators in the coming months. In addition, Kiwigrid will communicate security implementations that have been tested in cooperation with the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and comply with all applicable standards. 

Presentation of the product features at E-world 2025

Kiwigrid will present its new algorithm technology in detail for the first time at E-world energy & water in Germany (February 11-13, 2025, Essen). There, Kiwigrid employees will demonstrate the SaaS product "The Independent Home" with the new product features in detail to customers, partners and other interested parties. 

Background information on §14a of the Energy Industry Act

Section 14a of the Energy Industry Act allows grid operators to dim controllable consumer devices to as low as 4.2 kilowatts in the event of an acute threat of grid overload. This regulation is intended to ensure that the energy supply in the distribution grid is guaranteed even in the event of high capacity utilization. In return for the potential intervention by the grid operator, end consumers are entitled to reduced grid charges - regardless of whether an intervention actually takes place. Kiwigrid's energy management system is now generally able to bill these reduced grid fees.

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